
[TCT2009]Christopher J. White教授谈颈动脉狭窄的治疗

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/25 11:42:00


International Circulation: What is the medical therapy for severe carotid stenosis to reduce large-vessel embolic stroke? 国际循环:严重颈动脉狭窄如何采用药物治疗以减少大血管血栓猝中的风险?

International Circulation:    Would you please talk about proximal protection during carotid stenting?

Prof. Christopher J. White:   The question requires us to understand the difference between proximal and distal emboli protection.  Distal protection is technically much easier for the operator to perform but, by definition, distal protection is incomplete since small emboli may pass through the pores of the distal filter.  Proximal protection is technically more difficult for the operator to perform but is a more complete, pure protection.  In fact, if you really want to provide complete protection for your patient then proximal protection is the way to go.  I am in favor of proximal protection in any patient who can have it. 
Prof. Christopher J. White:  这个问题需要理解近端和远端保护之间的差别。对于术者来说远端保护在技术上更容易操作,不过确切的说远端保护是不完整的,因为还有栓塞发生。近端保护对于术者来说较难操作,但却是比较完整、彻底的保护。事实上,如果你真的想为你的病人提供完整的保护,那么就选择做近端保护。我赞成在可能的情况下对病人近端保护。

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